Articles written by Greg Duffield

Error connecting to undo manager of source file xxxx.aspx.designer.cs

Error connecting to undo manager of source file The Problem If you are using the Web Application Project Template (with as the Add On or as part of SP1) you can get this error. This error can simply appear at any time for no apparent reason. There have been several suggestions on th

Greg Duffield - 4,106 views

Parameter Order Wrong With ObejctDataSource

Parameter Order Wrong With ObejctDataSource This one came up today and I felt in a sharing mood. I had a GridView using and ObjectDataSource (ODS) and this was used for automatic updates via Inplace editing. When updating the GridView this would then call the UpdateMethod of the Objec

Greg Duffield - 1,576 views

WSS 3.0 : Add a Column(Field) to a List (Part 1)

WSS 3.0 : Add a Column(Field) to a List (Part 1) In order to add a Column (Computed) to a List you will need to use the WSS Object Model. As there are no tools to do this currently (however I am currently writing a little tool to help.) you will need to understand the CAML to define a Field.

Greg Duffield - 5,153 views

WSS 3.0 Change Content Type Field Name

Change the Field Name for a Content Type When I created a new Content Type in WSS 3.0 I could not find a way to change the name of the Title Field with out changing the base Item Type. When you add a Field to a Content Type, you are actually creating FieldLinks, so you need to change t

Greg Duffield - 4,258 views

Sending mail using Localhost and .Net 2

Sending mail using Localhost and .Net 2 I came across an old favourite today when trying to send email using the SMTP service on Local host. The error was SMTP 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for xxxxxx What you need to do is change the security settings on the SMTP Service to allow

Greg Duffield - 3,749 views

Change Database Owner Following Restore

Change Database Owner Following Restore I upgraded a SQL 2000 database to SQL 2005 by backing up and restoring. However when this was done, the database does not have a valid owner and you will not be able to add diagrams etc. To resolve this you will need to run the following SQ

Greg Duffield - 2,360 views

Intellisense For SQL Server Query Analyser

Intellisense For SQL Server Query Analyser Query Analyser has always been missing something and that something was intellisense. Just think about the time this would save you not having to have to look up the column names all the time or how to use a T-SQL function you have not used for some

Greg Duffield - 2,043 views

Accessing Your resources Through a Static Class

Accessing Your resources Through a Static Class Obviously as conscientious developers you will be keeping all of your strings in resource files, but what if you have static classes how do you access your resources. Using your stanard OOP design and class instances you would do this:

Greg Duffield - 1,344 views

Change the Owner for Stored Procedures

Change the Owner for Stored Procedures This one comes from Tim Page, if you ever need to change the owner of several Store Procedures at the same time then this is the T-SQL for you. And this even supports SQL Sever 2005.

Greg Duffield - 33,584 views

How to convert a physical computer to Virtual Machine

How to convert a physical computer to Virtual Machine As per Mark's article here is another solution that does not use Ghost but good ole NT back up. I had this stored on my machine but unfortunaltey I cannot remember where it ca

Greg Duffield - 25,798 views

Generic Lists are All You Will Ever Need

Generic Lists are All You Will Ever Need Generic lists have reduced the amount of code we have to write for our n-tier applications dramatically. Where they have been most uselful is in the definition of our Strongly Typed Object Collections. Previously we would have created a class th

Greg Duffield - 1,899 views

Passing CSV to Stored Procedure

Passing CSV to Stored Procedure There are many occasions when it would be easier to pass an array of values to a Stored Procedure instead of looping. This can be done and is very simple to use once implemented, all it needs is a new UDF (User Defined Function).

Greg Duffield - 11,977 views

SQL Server TABLE Variable

SQL Server TABLE Variable When you need a temporary table in SQL Server 2000 (upwards) many people will implement a standard temporary table i.e. SELECT      ProductID,      ProductName,    &nbs

Greg Duffield - 2,363 views

Parser Error Message: Ambiguous match found.

Parser Error Message: Ambiguous match found. VS 2005 Only. This can be an annoying error, but it is usually caused by one thing. If you add an object to your html source such as <igtxt:WebDateTimeEdit id="dteStartdate" runat="server" ToolTip="The end Date

Greg Duffield - 16,271 views

Convert a DataReader to a DataTable

Convert a DataReader to a DataTable When working with Datareaders one of the problems i sometimes come across is binding these to 3rd party controls. A lot of controls will not bind to a DataReader but nearly all of the alwaays bind to a DataTable. All of the functionlity already exists in t

Greg Duffield - 15,352 views